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Understanding Escrow in ERC-721 NFT Smart Contracts

The ERC-721 standard helps make buying and selling unique digital items (NFTs) safe and reliable. It is crucial to secure transactions between two parties. That is where escrow services come in. They act like a safety net, holding an NFT until everyone agrees and all rules have been met. Let's explore how we can develop an escrow using the ERC-721 standard using OpenZeppelin implementation.

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Exploring Nested Mappings in Solidity

Feb 28, 2024

Nested mappings in Solidity offer developers powerful tools to efficiently organize and manipulate complex data structures. This blog post explores how to use nested mappings and their practical applications and provides transformative examples in smart contract development.

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Understanding tx.origin and msg.sender in Solidity

Jan 6, 2024

Developers need to understand the difference between tx.origin and msg.sender in Solidity. These two global variables often need clarification with each other despite their fundamental differences. While they may appear similar at first glance, tx.origin and msg.sender represent distinct addresses in the context of a transaction. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the meanings of each of these variables.

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Understanding ERC-4337 and the Future of Ethereum User Experience: Account Abstraction

Oct 31, 2023

In Ethereum Improvement Proposal 4337 (ERC-4337), account abstraction simplifies user interaction and the blockchain. It eliminates the need for users to deal with the complexities of wallets, making blockchain applications (dApps) more accessible to users. For instance, users can use social login to interact with dApps, and there is no need for private keys or seed phrases anymore. In this series of posts, I will provide a high-level overview of the topic in this post and dive into the code in the following ones.

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Structs in Solidity: Mastering Data Organization in Ethereum Smart Contracts

The Solidity programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, offers a robust feature known as structs that is indispensable in organizing and structuring information. These user-defined data types allow us to bundle variables under a single name, effectively creating blocks of organized data with set boundaries. Not only do structs enhance code readability and maintainability, but they also offer flexibility in instantiation. There are three ways to instantiate a struct in Solidity, each with advantages and use cases. In this blog post, we'll explore the nitty-gritty of Solidity structs, exploring their significance.

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